Lecturers & Topics

List of speakers and subjects

Keynote lecture: trends and directions in nuclear science - Reiner Kruecken (LBNL)

Nuclear Structure: Experiments - Tim Gray (UTK/ORNL)

Nuclear Reactions: Experiments - Carl Brune (Ohio U.)

Nuclear Structure and Reactions: Theory - Chloë Hebborn (FRIB)

Nuclear Astrophysics: Experiments - Zach Meisel (AFIT)

Nuclear Astrophysics: Theory - Erica Holmbeck (LLNL)

Experimental Techniques - Stephanie Lyons (PNNL)

Fundamental Symmetries - Nadia Fomin (UTK)

Precision Measurements - Kei Minamisono (FRIB) 

Superheavy Elements - Dirk Rudolph (Lund U.

Ion Sources & Beam Production - Antonio Villari (FRIB)

Isotopes & Applications - Katharina Domnanich (MSU)

AI/ML applied to Nuclear Science - Kyle Wendt (LLNL)